Who Killed the City?

Colin O'Donnell
Aug 10, 2023


The Internet’s affect on the Built Environment

There’s this underground anarchist art/music/film/philosophy festival called the Bombay Beach Biennale — This past April I had the pleasure of ranting to a packed house at the Museum of Unwanted Architecture. A lot of nascent ideas around the nature of cities, the affect of the Internet on the built environment, the role of platforms and content, and other thoughts came together in an extemporaneous talk, and it’s my favorite to date — If you liked the post on Why Amazon Called everyone Back to the Office, I think you’ll dig this. Mind the expletives, it was an intense weekend.



Colin O'Donnell
Colin O'Donnell

Written by Colin O'Donnell

Thinking about the coevolution of people, technology, and cities. Co-founder at newtheory.ai former founder at Kift/Intersection/ LinkNYC/ Control Group

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